Number of citations > 1900
h-index = 16
In progress
Kudryavtsev, A., Zamora, M. Norgrén, M. (in progress). Integrating sustainability education in schools: New York Sun Works case study.
Kudryavtsev, A., Van Ness, B., and Kelly, N. (in progress). Fostering civic engagement through urban agriculture education in NYC.
Kudryavtsev, A., Christie, B. (in progress). Sustainability education in frontline communities: Learning, governance, equity, and care.
Kudryavtsev, A. (in progress). Urban environmental education. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education. Oxford University Press.
Kudryavtsev, A. (in progress). Environmental education and civic engagement.
Selected articles
Kudryavtsev, A. (2025). A Framework of Nature Education. Integrative Conservation. PDF
Russ, A., and Gaus, M. (2021). Urban agriculture education and youth civic engagement in the U.S.: A scoping review. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. 5:707896. doi: 10.3389/fsufs.2021.707896 PDF
Russ, A., Armstrong, A., and Krasny, M. (2022, submitted). Urban agriculture education in parks: Fostering civic engagement. In: Larson, L., Fix, P., Lekies, K. et al. (Eds.). The Transformative Power of Parks. Champaign, Illinois: Sagamore. PDF draft
Cho, J. Y., Li, Y., Armstrong, A. K., Russ, A., Krasny, M. E., & Kizilcec, R. F. (2021). Using Social Norms to Promote Actions Beyond the Course. Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Conference on Learning @ Scale. doi:10.1145/3430895.3460144 PDF
DuBois, B., Krasny, M., and Russ, A. (2019). Online professional development for environmental educators: Strategies to foster critical thinking and social interactions. Environmental Education Research, 25(10), 1479-1494. doi: 10.1080/13504622.2018.1564247 PDF
Russ, A., Peters, S.J., Krasny, M.E., and Stedman, R.C. (2015). Development of ecological place meaning in New York City. Journal of Environmental Education, 46(2), 73–93. doi: 10.1080/00958964.2014.999743 PDF
Krasny, M.E., Kalbacker, L., Stedman, R.C., and Russ, A. (2015). Measuring social capital among youth: Applications in environmental education. Environmental Education Research, 21(1): 1-23. 10.1080/13504622.2013.843647 PDF
Kudryavtsev, A., Krasny, M., and Stedman, R. (2012). The impact of environmental education on sense of place among urban youth. Ecosphere, 3(4):29. doi: 10.1890/ES11-00318.1 PDF, Survey
Kudryavtsev, A., Stedman, R., and Krasny, M. (2011). Sense of place in environmental education. Environmental Education Research, 18(2), 229–250. doi: 10.1080/13504622.2011.609615 PDF
I am the first editor of Urban Environmental Education Review, which includes 30 chapters by 82 authors from 19 countries. The authors explore how urban environmental education contributes to individual and community well-being, and debunk common assumptions that cities are ecologically barren and that city residents don't care for, or need, urban nature or a healthy environment. This volume integrates research and practice to help aspiring and practicing environmental educators, urban planners, and other environmental leaders advance their goals related to urban sustainability and environmental justice. Chapter topics range from the urban context to theoretical underpinnings, educational settings, participants, and educational approaches in urban environmental education (see the preview.
The book is available in English (Cornell University Press), Chinese (Higher Education Press), and Greek (Gutenberg).
See the Table of Contents (PDF file)
Watch the chapter summaries on YouTube
Russ, A., Krasny, M. (Eds.) (2017). Urban environmental education review. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.

Russ, A., Krasny, M. (Επιμέλεια). (2021). Περιβαλλοντική εκπαίδευση στις πόλεις. Καλαϊτζιδάκη, Μ. (Επιστημονική επιμέλεια), Καϊάφας, Μ. (Μεταφραση). Athens, Greece: Gutenberg.

Russ, A., Krasny M.E. 著 (2022). 城市环境教育概论. 王西敏 邱文晖 译. 生态学名著译丛. Beijing, China: Higher Education Press.
book chapters
While I have edited the whole Urban Environmental Education Review book, I also co-authored several chapters. PDFs are included below.
Russ, A., and Krasny, M. (2017). Introduction. In: Russ, A., and Krasny, M. (Eds.), Urban Environmental Education Review (pp. 1–9). Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press. PDF
Adams, J.D., Greenwood, D.A., Thomashow, M., and Russ, A. (2017). Sense of place. In: Russ, A., and Krasny, M. (Eds.), Urban Environmental Education Review (pp. 68–75). Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press. PDF
Krasny, M., Svendsen, E.S., Konijnendijk van den Bosch, C., Enqvist, J., and Russ, A. (2017). Environmental governance. In: Russ, A., and Krasny, M. (Eds.), Urban Environmental Education Review (pp. 103–111). Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press. PDF
Cole, L.B., McPhearson, T., Herzog, C.P., and Russ, A. (2017). Green infrastructure. In: Russ, A., and Krasny, M. (Eds.), Urban Environmental Education Review (pp. 261–270). Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press. PDF
Russ, A., and Krasny, M. (2017). Educational trends. In: Russ, A., and Krasny, M. (Eds.), Urban Environmental Education Review (pp. 288–296). Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press. PDF
Outreach publications
These publications are a collection of outreach materials developed through the Global Environmental Education Partnership (GEEP), through credit-bearing courses, and through professional development courses for teachers, educators, and community leaders.